Sunday, April 18, 2010

Camera Bag Contest!

A friend of mine posted on a local forum about a contest to win a camera bag. The site is PhatStraps ( and they have some of the most adorable products I've seen! Here is their main site:

You may also be interested in checking out another site they recommend, They also have some very cute stuff!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Drama Queens Need Not Apply!!!

Below is a note I posted on my Facebook wall tonight. Rather than dissect it for you, I will let the note speak for itself. Enjoy!


I am so over it all!
Posted 4/15/10 @ 1945 hrs.
Written by Lisa K. Wells
© 2010 by Lisa K. Wells // All Rights Reserved.
Please ask permission before cross-posting!!


Let me start this note out by saying that I am not going to name any names or point a finger at anybody. Those who are guilty of what I will be discussing KNOW WHO THEY ARE. So please do not jump on me for what I am about to say, because it will only serve to make you look like one of the ones who is guilty of what I will be discussing.

I have been an active member of SWPM since January 29,2008. I have seen several different managers and mods during that time, and was even a mod myself at one point. This past January, I interpreted a situation to be a threat to the safety of our members and their families, and I chose to speak out about it - in reward for my efforts, I was removed as a moderator and was suspended from SWPM for a time, because the higher-ups at TMN felt it was more important to cover their own butts than protect their sites' members. I believe in my heart that they still feel that way, that absolutely nothing has or ever will change; and that is a shame, because sites such as SWPM are such a good resource. In fact, during this incident in particular, ALL management was removed from their positions and a few people - GOOD women - were even banned over it and the ensuing drama that followed. After the fallout settled, SWPM seemed to be almost dead - comatose, if you will - and even now is struggling to regain the level of activity it had enjoyed prior to the safety incident. If we were to be fully honest with ourselves, it may never fully recover, because many members were turned off; first by the incident itself (as well as TMN's refusal to do what needed to be done), and also because ever since that incident, there has seemed to be nothing but ridiculous, schoolyard-level drama at every turn.

After the incident came to a head in January, one of the former managers took it upon herself to create a new site, one that she had hoped would remain drama-free and be a valuable resource to its members, much as SWPM used to be. She put a lot of time and effort into it, and for a while it seemed to be going well; however, recently it too has become just another platform for the drama queens to spew their nonsense. For almost a week now I have noticed that there is less activity by the regular members there, and many of the topics now seem to center on the residual drama that has been going on. I have been told that some of the drama that has come up is not just from the SWPM incident, but drama that has been going on for around two years now. Seriously - two YEARS?! Isn't that a little excessive? Well let's just be brutally honest here - that is COMPLETELY and BLATANTLY excessive.

I am in no way denigrating either mommy forum, because as I said they are valuable resources, especially for a mommy that is new to the area, as I was when I first joined SWPM. What I am frustrated with is the inability of some of these moms to get over themselves and move on with life. Why is it so important to go out of your way to create drama? Why do you feel the need to put other mommies down when they have done nothing to warrant it? Are you really that dissatisfied and insecure with your lives that you must tear the lives of others down to make yourselves feel better? And finally, look deep inside yourselves and answer this question - does it REALLY and TRULY make you feel better?

I have met some incredible and caring women through the forums - and I value each and every friendship I have made. However, those of you who have yet to graduate (mentally) from middle school are ruining it for everybody else with your petty and childish behavior. Why is it so vital that certain moms not attend events? Why can't you put your petty differences aside and just have a good time? Let's get really brutal now - because honestly, nothing else has worked to fix this problem, so maybe some brutal honesty will sink into those thick skulls of yours. We have a mom who has been worried about her unborn child's health. Another mom has a newborn who has spent more time IN the hospital than OUT of it, and may yet be facing another health crisis with him. We have moms who don't know if they'll be able to pay all of their bills. We have moms who have LOs in the end stages of terminal illnesses. We have moms whose children are developmentally delayed. We have moms who are facing single parenthood. We have moms who are trying to better themselves in school and are worried about their next exam. We have moms who are desperately trying to find a job with no luck.

And yet, amidst all of these serious concerns, we have moms who are selfish enough to go out of their way to belittle other moms for no good reason. We have moms who create drama just because they like to see other moms bicker. We have moms who cannot see beyond their own beliefs to accept that others are different and learn something. We have moms who cannot put those differences aside and let everybody enjoy a night out (or in). We have moms who are doing their level best to destroy not one but TWO forums out of their own selfishness and childishness. These moms know who they are, and I address this question to them: DO YOU FEEL BETTER ABOUT YOURSELVES? Well, do you? Answer honestly, because if you can't be honest with yourself then what's the point? Talk to the moms who have serious health issues, or whose children do - would you feel better about yourselves if you created drama designed to hurt them? What about the moms who are in a financial crisis - would stirring the pot make you feel better about your own situation? And think about this one really hard - what kind of example are you setting for your own children, with your childish, spiteful behavior?

I thought we were all grown-ups on these forums. I thought we all knew how to behave as mature adults. I thought we all knew to treat each other as we would want to be treated ourselves. I thought we knew what respect and manners were. I thought we all had the ability to discuss a problem with the source, not talk smack behind the person's back at every turn. I thought we had all graduated from middle school some time ago - and had left that mentality behind. Thank you for proving me wrong on ALL counts.

Having said all that, let it be known right now that from this point forward, anybody who chooses to create drama where there is no need will be REMOVED from my Facebook list of friends IMMEDIATELY, whether they drag me into it or not. Anybody who chooses to denigrate any of my friends for no good reason will be REMOVED from my Facebook list of friends IMMEDIATELY. Anybody who chooses to slam me for this or any other post I make will be REMOVED from my Facebook list of friends IMMEDIATELY. I am DONE with the drama - I am a reasonable, mature adult and I refuse to participate in or condone such childish, irresponsible behavior. I will no longer have anything to do with any of these toxic personalities; not online, not at a MNO or MNI, not at a morning coffee or playdate, not in any kind of transaction, not outside of either forum or Facebook - NEVER. I am happy with my life, and have no need to create drama or participate in it at any level - anybody who does feel that drama is necessary in their lives seriously needs to re-evaluate their lives and their priorities. There are two forums now for moms (well, three if you count the one I made, but it's not very active); if you don't like the people on one, YOU ARE WELCOME TO LEAVE. Nobody is forcing you to stay where you aren't happy. If you prefer one forum over the other, that is perfectly fine and completely understandable - but it is NOT okay to use the other forum as your personal bashing-ground. You're not "all that," so get over yourselves already and move on!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

The Epitome of Stupid

After a long absence from blogging, I have returned. It's not like I can do much while feeding the baby, right? LOL

On to today's post.....the sheer ignorance of some pet owners. I swear, some people have no business having pets. I pity their children, if this is how they treat their pets.....

A family in my neighborhood has four dogs; a Pom, a Min-Pin, a Boxer and a Shar-pei. They keep all four tethered in the backyard, with little or no interaction. Sometimes the dogs have food and water. The poor things keep breaking loose and running around the neighborhood - poor babies are just starved for attention. The Shar-pei, in particular, loves my inlaws (who live next door) and my oldest daughter.

Earlier this week, they got the Boxer neutered - he's around 6, 7 months old - and when they bring him home, what do they do? Do they let him stay inside while recovering from the surgery? Do they set up a spot in the garage for him? Nope and nope - they put him right back outside on his chain and forget about him. They throw some food and water out there but never bother to check on the dogs 98% of the time - and a day or two ago, the boy was out there dousing the Shar-pei with ice cold water. The water is not necessarily a bad thing - but considering that by this point the Boxer was not feeling well (will explain that in a minute), it was probably not a good thing for him in particular.

Today, a neighbor was outside in her backyard talking to another neighbor when they looked over. One commented to the other that the Boxer did not look well at all, and they called Animal Control and the police. By the time AC and the PD showed up, the Boxer was DEAD. The owners were surprised to see the police on their doorstep - they claim they had no clue the dog was sick. Yeah, RIGHT.....I believe that one. Got any oceanfront property in Arizona to sell me next?

There is no way they could not have known the dog was not doing well - not if they would have checked on him once in a while. He was healthy one minute and DEAD the next? To hear them tell it, that's what happened - but I know better. Dogs do not hide their ailments the way cats do - if he was that sick, somebody would have noticed it for sure. Those people are just uncaring and clueless. AC took the body for necropsy - and hopefully they seized the other three dogs as well, for their own sakes. Those dogs deserve far better than to be left out in a backyard, with no human interaction, little food, little water and almost no shelter from the hot summer sun. I hope they find that the owners were at fault, at least of animal negligence and hopefully some cruelty charges thrown in for good measure - and they are banned from owning pets ever again. Even better, tie THEM in the backyard and ignore them for most of their lives - see how THEY like it.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

And So It Goes....

Sunday, 10/5/08

It's nice to know that, after 100 years, some things never change. For the second year in a row, the Cubs won their division. For the second year in a row, they scored only six runs in their entire postseason run. And, for the second year in a row, they were swept in the first round. I've been a faithful, loyal Cubs fan for my entire life, as was my father. This is the last straw. I'm done. I stick by them loyally for all these years, defend them endlessly - and this is how my efforts are repaid? Screw them. My candidate for the DDOS award today is not the Cubs for being such losers, but myself - for sticking with them as long as I have.

I just bought myself not one, but TWO, Philadelphia Phillies t-shirts. It's time to throw my hat in with a team that can actually win a title during my lifetime. In fact, I might also buy a couple of Red Sox t-shirts to go with those Phillies t-shirts. My son decided, in the spring of '04, that he was a Red Sox fan; that fall, they ended their own incredibly long drought and won the World Series by coming from a 3-0 deficit in the second round to win the next EIGHT games (four to take the pennant and four to win the Series). Guess he was on to something.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

When will it ever end??!!

Thursday, 9/25/08

Today I had my first up-close taste of what stupid really looks like. I needed to find gas for the Suburban. I'd already delayed fueling up a day because of all the idiocy in this area; and could no longer wait, because I was below 1/4 and have to drive for my daughter's field trip tomorrow. So off to find gas I went.

I managed to find one place on the way to the kids' school that had 93 octane only. Didn't help much that they were limiting people to $15.00 transactions; as it was, I got just over $17 out of it before it shut off on me. How much gas did that get me? A whopping 3.9 gallons. That MIGHT be enough to get my kids to school in the morning; it was nowhere near enough to get me through the day, with the field trip planned.

So, after getting the kids from school, we set off to find a station that actually had gas. Ten minutes later, we found a place that had about a dozen cars waiting to fill up. Didn't seem too bad, so we got in line (after going down the side street and turning around, so we wouldn't block the main road) and settled in to wait. The station had two islands; and only one pump per island, so it actually took twice as long as we'd originally thought to get our turn. One side would pump; then the other; and back and forth. What a pain. All in all, it took an HOUR for us to get our turn, but at least it was worth it. They had a $40 transaction limit, much better than the last place.

But is all this craziness really necessary? People watch the news for information; the news and other media outlets make a big deal out of situations such as this; and as a result, they feed the paranoia and CAUSE the mad rush to get gas. It's absurd, really. If people would just keep to their regular routines, none of this fuel frenzy would have had to occur, and those of us who actually THINK before freaking out would be able to get gas when we really NEED it. I didn't feed into all this paranoia; but because of it, I am paying the price. The Suburban takes about 10 days to go through a tank of gas; I have no reason or desire to fuel up every friggin' day just because the MEDIA thinks we MIGHT have a low supply for a while. The boneheads who are buying into all this media hyperbole, who are rushing off with every vehicle and gas can they own, who are selfishly HOARDING fuel for their own purposes - they don't realize or care that they are hurting the economy and the rest of us. People really need to calm down and use that brain that God gave them.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Paranoid, irresponsible IDIOTS

Wednesday, 9/24/08

Okay, I have kept quiet and tried my best to ignore this, but I am sorry, it just HAS to be said. You people are STUPID, IGNORANT, PARANOID FOOLS. Do you not realize that Hurricane Ike passed through Texas over a WEEK ago, and you are STILL racing to the pumps to fill up all your tanks before gas runs out?? Do you not REALIZE that gas keeps running out BECAUSE of you idiots?? For crissake, stay the hell home if you're that paranoid!! Leave some gas for those of us who have half a brain and know that we will NOT run out of fuel any time soon!!

Okay, so one whole pipeline is damaged. Big frickin' deal. So that pipeline services the Southeast. Whoopee shit. You DO realize that they can truck it in from other locations, right?? It might take a little longer, so why not try to change your driving habits a little bit for a week to accommodate the minor delay. Du-uh.

Okay, so a couple of drilling rigs in the Gulf sustained minor damage. Again, big frickin' deal. So many of the rigs are not back up to full capacity yet. Again, whoopee shit. Maybe the oil companies are taking advantage of the forced shutdowns to do NEEDED maintenance on the rigs BEFORE they restore them to full capacity, so they DON'T go down at a more crucial time and cause MORE problems for us. Du-uh.

Geez people, get a freakin' GRIP. The reason our gas stations keep running out of fuel is NOT supply shortage, it's YOU. Grow the hell up already.

A quiet day - for once

Tuesday, 9/23/08

For the first time in a long time, I saw nothing excessively stupid while out and about today. How amazing is THAT??!! LOL

Although my Cubs did blow an easy win. While they were there physically, mentally they've already taken the trip to the playoffs. They were completely uncoordinated and uninspired. If they want to achieve 100 wins this season, they need to win until the end - NO MORE SCREWUPS!!!